

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
Bonnie Dupont

Maybe they’re supposed to be

Rescued from falling to the ground

Honoured for their fight

Guided safely toward some new purpose

They tried to transform and hung on for dear life

But were let go while fiery and bright

Was it a mistake?

Maybe they had more to give

Maybe they were not

Content to settle there

Maybe they were searching for a new life

Maybe they were alone

Unable to see any way out

There is no way home anymore

Only the hope for somewhere new

Maybe the long hot days

And cold bitter winds

Finally shook their core

Maybe they just needed to be loved

And heard

Whether rustling in a breeze

Or moving majestically in the night

But instead

They got raked into a pile

Labelled as waste

Trashed and forgotten

As the cold takes over

The world goes on without them

Looking forward to new spring buds

Praising the strong hearty trees with deep roots

That never break

And never fall

That delicate leaf

Heavy with expectation

Failing to thrive in the chaos of inconsistency and with no stability

Has fallen


And blended into the earth


Maybe they’re supposed to be caught

Rescued from falling to the ground

To rot

They tried to transform and hung on for dear life

Maybe letting them go while bright and fiery

Was a mistake

Maybe they aren’t happy or beautiful

Maybe the long hot days

And cold bitter winds

Finally shook their core

Maybe they needed help

But instead of help

They got raked into a pile

Labelled as waste

Trashed and forgotten

As the cold takes over

The world goes on without them

Looking forward to new spring buds

Praising the strong hearty trees with deep roots

That never break

And never fall

That delicate leaf

That tried to thrive in the chaos of inconsistency and with no stability

Has fallen


And blended into the earth

If I Were There

If I were there

Things would still be weird
And confusing.
And you might still be scared.

You might still wonder whats to come

I know you would wonder what I would do if I were you.

If I were there with you
Right now
In this strange new place

I’d remind you how much I love you.
I’d tell you to trust yourself
I’d wrap my arms around you
And tell you
Absolutely everything
Will be ok

Those babies of yours will thrive.
They’re ready to take this on.
The good in this world is rising to meet them
Right where their good kind hearts are
Right this very moment.

Are you reading this right now?
Then trust that I am with you.

Trust that this weird world will
Be better than ok

It’ll be amazing. Trust me.

And one more thing my dear,
You’re doing a really really great job
Being an amazing parent,
Being a good, kind energy in this interesting time

Keep on my dear sweet love

You’re never alone.



my wishes send stars falling to your feet…

My words
Fill spaces in your heart

Your dreams plant flowers
In my concrete blocks

My wishes send stars
Falling to your feet

Your cries
Stop me
In my tracks

I hear the whispering lavender
From your breezy day

I close my eyes
On this cloud covered swing
And I see you there
Wrapped in sunlight

☀️Maybe you are the sun ☀️


What makes us lose our voice

So much to share

Lost in the minds overgrown maze

Of old “stuff”

Something tells me not to speak.

If I dare, the voice they hear will not be my own.

And I’m reminded to stay quiet.

Locked up..


Beyond thick layers of secrets and dread

I still see myself…

That piece of me that cannot be burdened by a world that weighs me down

She smiles, waving from a sunlit field

I used to know her,

I used to be her.

How do I get back there?

Back to her..

I cannot stay here



Slowly blending in

With this parched soil.

Happy Mommy Day


Dear Momma…
A is for all the awesome anecdotes and amazing adventures!!
B is for Bonnie that’s meeeee–and bologna sandwiches and brown lettuce. Haha
C is for cookies piled up on the cupboard after school
D is for dammit
E is for everything outside my bubble of reality growing up. You dealt with a lot of shit nobody will ever begin to know or understand
F is for friend. You are my best one
G is for giggles we shared
H is for heinous cuz it’s a super funny word and hugs that kept me from crumbling
I is for ice cream jello
J is for jam tarts–I can put my admiration and appreciation into words if I think pastry –thank you for these dam delicious bits of wonderful
K is for kisses
L is for love, laughter and the life you gave me
M is for my momma, muffins, marigolds and the moovin van girls haha
N is for no …hehe I know. What???
O is for “Of course you are the favourite!!”
P is for polka to GX94 in the kitchen–and jive but j is for jam tarts FIRST!!
Q is for quiz. Question #1.  What is the first name of your favourite child?
R is for red BMX. God I loved that bike. Peavy Mart. Best day ever
S is for smarten up. Haha
T is for “time for chores!”
U is for unconditional love
V is for Vicks vaporub and the warm mist vaporizer when I was sick.
W is for wynyard wishart west bend and why the hell not??
X is for xtra everything
Y is for yes you can! Yes you should! And you are my sunshine
Z is for zipper replacement and other sewing fix ups–hems–take ins–buttons–customs –fabulous zig zag stitch

a mother fills an alphabet with words and creates a memory for each one!!!thank you for all you do and everything you are …I love you momma!!  Happy Mother’s Day!!!

The lil bug

I saw you there

In my watering can

And just in time

I scooped you up

And placed you gently

On my favourite marigold

You were so pleased

I could feel your love

As you wiggled and danced

Stretching out your

Lil body on that bright orange petal

You wanted to live

So life filled you

You wanted to fly

And you grew wings

Perhaps they were always there

But somehow

In that moment

It seemed anything was possible

That if you shared your world with an insect

They would share a tiny miracle

With you

And off you flew

Right by my happy eyes

To explore your world

Leaving me so thankful

For mine

But it wasn’t yours

And it wasn’t mine

It was ours

As the Light Must Do

Are we frozen?

In a continuous aftermath
Unable to avoid the broken glass

And jump to the safety
Of a new beginning

Where everything we treasure
Waits safely
Just past the grip of this storm

Held so close
Within us all
Slowly smothered by a wall

Loved but hidden
Valued but ignored
Waiting for freedom

Self inflicted bars, fences, rules
Locked gates
Stolen keys

Trying desperately
To keep the pain
Of an unrecognizable world
From seeping in

Nightmares repeating
Dreams forgotten
Anxiously trusting
Suspicion reigning

Break free
Of dominating forces

They are weak.

They are a storm passing
Always seeking new places to
Test their strength

A quiet voice
To drown out

A glimpse of joy
To shadow with
twisted truths

The handmade tarps
Sheltering our innocence
Begin to pull away

But we are not weak

We are not silenced

Step out from behind these
Suffocating barriers
And love will find you

Before this storm tries 
To break the fragile windows
Of another soul
With it’s cowardly facade of
Lightning bolts and wind blown decay

Our sun rises

It shines as the light
Must do

To melt the ice
Of fear, hatred, greed and injustice

We are not frozen.

We are jumping from this mess
of broken glass
Into a new and certain horizon

Where we are free

Truth and dreams are shared

Acceptance is abundant
Trust is restored

Communities filled with hope
Built with respect,
Love and belief
Of every
Good thing

The storm must pass
As we join hands

And jump

 from fear..

                                       ..To love


By light of the day
On winds of the past
Our patchwork hearts
Are together at last

Forever to run
Freely to go
With a dash of sweet mystery
Full of unknown

Promise to wish
From the depths of your soul
Where bones turn to petals
And diamonds to coal

Where my dream
And your nightmare
Dance until dawn
Til the wishes on dandelions
Blanket the lawn

And we jump from the clouds
As the rain splashes down
Water drenched sunshine
Soaking the ground

And the petal takes root
Becoming a tree
Whose bones lay beneath
So sacred
And free

Hold your coal warm and close
Treasure hides like a secret
Waiting of course
For the seeker
To seek it….

Sept 18,2018


Our hearts were born with a promise
To beat with hope
And truth
No matter what
To stay gentle
In disgrace
To share love
Through hate
And when the big storms pass ~

We are there
For those who lost their way
A light for all to find their own
Carried with them all along

Slowly remove the suffocating layers
That blurred the holes
Our souls peek through

Attempts to hide joy
With fear
Shattered with
The rise of those who embrace
The possibility of wonder

Soft heart’s
Begin to beat as one
Shining light back
To the sun

Lifting all
From pain to ease
From depleted to content
From lost
To found

There is a moment
When our world will change
You will feel it
As you choose to shine
To turn from
Thoughts that
Shake your heart
To those that flutter through you
Like butterflies through a garden
Watch as joy
Showers you in surprise.